
- No memorable bosses
- Few Variation in enemy types
- Rinse and repeating the same objectives and killing the same enemy types over and over again makes for a monotonous play
- The story is good but not spectacular in my opinion


- The setting is probably the greatest thing it has going for it. Beautiful landscape of Bright Falls, Washington. Gorgeous mountains, Western Hemlock, White Pines.
- The protagonist isn't the worst. carries the stereotypical writer tropes
- The collectibles were a nice addition. Made exploring a bit more fun
- Voice acting was on point and kept you engaged

I would say the closest comparison I could give it is Bloobers, Medium. Medium was a tad bit more mediocre than this, but they have close similarities. Heavy emphasis on storytelling and not enough on gameplay.

I think if I had this on Xbox 360 when it shipped I would regard it with much more value.


Reviewed on Dec 12, 2023
