My new favorite Star Ocean game in this series for sure.

If you're a fan of the Star Ocean series or jrpgs, this game is a wonderful treat. The graphics are beautiful and a huge upgrade from the last installment in this series. I loved all of the characters, their interactions and growth. The battle system is absolutely fun, especially with DUMA's added abilities. I like the fact the battle system will punish you if you do not dodge/block attacks by limiting your combo/skill usage - so I had to learn not to just button smash.

I have to admit this game is pretty linear and very easy to play and beat - it took me about 35-40hrs to play Laeticia's route. The world map and areas are very big and there's a bit to explore, but once explored there isn't much afterwards; and there's so much backtracking and going back and forth it felt like a chore after like the third time that it was easier to just use the map to fast travel.

Otherwise I enjoyed this game a lot. I can tell it's pretty short and not for everyone, but like I said, if you enjoy jrpgs this will be a fun game to try out; and as a Star Ocean fan you will be very please.

i wish i could wipe my memories of this game and replay it all over again. i love everything about this game.