in all seriousness i had no real expectations going in as i hadn’t played the original miitopia but i love this game to bits! had me hooked even when they had only released the demo. there’s a lot to be said about the creativity with the mii maker and putting people or characters into situations. many people have already said it. also you get a HORSE. gameplay is mind-numbingly easy outside of some postgame content but i don’t care bc i like when games are easy.
the story is incredibly cliché but it doesn’t take it seriously nor does it want you to take it seriously! it is a parody of itself and its genre. because the tone is so lighthearted i got genuinely invested in the few moments where they decided to be serious like with that final decision. If you know you know.
the POST-postgame is where i mostly have problems because it starts out fresh and interesting and then by a week in you realize it’s a herculean or even sisyphean grindfest. as much as i would like to mark off every single achievement (of which there are a LOT) it just ain’t feasible for me to log in every day do a couple of cookie-cutter quests and then hope i get rich enough to buy a costume for a mii. it gets boring. but that’s what making a new profile just to experience the good parts again is for ^_^

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2023
