For all its flaws I love the Resident Evil series as a whole. Its camp, almost old-Hollywood approach to storytelling, still in 2022 has both the ability to comedic AND terrifying, and the move to first person was welcome in VII.

What I did like:
- More places to explore and different themes within the places. The game may be fairly linear on a first playthrough but it's got a solid structure and it knows where it's going.
- Usually I slate games for this, but I was a huge fan of Resident Evil 4 and it is very clear how much inspiration Village takes from it.
- AND the level that takes CLEAR influence from the PT Demo. That was some good spook.
- The map system and the encouragement to find treasures and solve puzzles in your own time.
- Enemy combat on PC is very rewarding when you start mastering headshots.
- The bosses. Well, mainly Mommy Dimitrescu.

What I didn't like:
- The difficulty. I started this game on Hard mode but as a veteran of the series I went through this game pretty easily. I'm not saying I want Dark Souls frequency of deaths, just a little bit more to make me sweat. (EXCEPT of course that opening with the lycans, on hard mode first playthrough I died about 15 times)
- Ethan Winters. It's not that he's unlikeable or anything, in fact it's just that, there's nothing about him. He's boring. He gets thrown around like a ragdoll and still comes out just fine. I get the story reasons, I just really don't care for him or Mia or Chris. In fact, the characters I care about the most are the villains and the duke, show me more of that Capcom!
- Some bizarre bugs where you can't obtain certain treasures etc. if you progress further than one particular mission, for example.

Overall worth playing and I will be playing again on Village of Shadows.

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2022
