Webbed 2021

Log Status






Time Played

5h 30m

Platforms Played


As someone who loves bugs (especially spiders), good movement, and unique control schemes, Webbed was basically made specifically for me.

I seriously cannot overstate how good the movement and controls are. Swinging around and using webs to create ramshackle structures and physics tools as this cute little spider gives me a schmovement high comparable only to Melee, which is basically a miracle considering 20+ years' worth of other games have failed to even come close. I want to speedrun this game sooooooooo bad, if only just to have an excuse to zip around in it regularly.

The "puzzles" are really more like little physics challenges thrown in to occasionally spice things up than actual puzzles, but I'll take any excuse the game gives me to try and make my webs-per-second speed even faster. There's actually lots of other fun little bonuses just thrown in like that too; other games wish they had an alternate movement tool as fun and unique as the skateboard or a hard to reach surprise as delightful as the hat button.

Everything about the game (including the adorable art, charming writing, and dynamic music/soundscapes) really works for me, and it's very quickly become a personal favorite of mine. Highly recommended, can't wait to see what this team does next.