Fallout 4 is a big game, yet at the same time, there isn't much of it. Strip away the disconnected settlement building and ignore the randomly generated fetch quests, leaving you with 100 odd missions. Each one of these involves shooting some dudes or giant bugs. A great game would dress these tasks up with a neat story. Fallout 4 can only offer ear-grating dialogue and bald-cliche. The problem with the shedding of RPG elements is that it leaves the game with less legs to stand on. Without interesting quest design, memorable dialogue, or novel character progression, most of the game relies on shooting and looting. But the shooting is clunky, and the horrendous UI and encumbrance hamper looting. The combat in New Vegas wasn't hot either, but that game succeeded by offering so much more beyond killing dudes. If you want a shooter, play Borderlands. If you want a looter, play Dying Light.

Reviewed on Apr 19, 2024
