Games with characters who use multiple pronouns solely out of poor translation

We love to see some accidental rep. If you have games to add to this list, comment with the game, character name, and pronouns!

"He" is used for the former vocalist of SashiMori, who is implied to be Pearl, referred to with she otherwise
Characters use both she and he for the main female farmer, as well as masculine and feminine terms (wife, king, etc)
Users of the BBS use he for Mako Ando, while Mako gets she pronouns otherwise
The protagonist uses both she and he for Minamoto, she/they/he for Amemiya, she and he for Fujita, and she and he for Utsugi


4 months ago

In Splatoon 2, there's a band who replaced their former vocalist due to "his domineering personality". Apparently the unnamed singer was meant to be Pearl (she/her).

4 months ago

@bellwoods excellent contribution, thank you!

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