Man, I loved the DS games. When I heard that a new one was coming out for modern systems, I was over the moon. My friends were all excited about other games announced at the same time, but all I could think/talk about was Theatrythm and how much fun I had with it. I even still have the special stylus it came with.

I had just as much fun with this one as I had on the DS, all my expectations were met, and it was a joy to play. If you like Final Fantasy and rhythm games (a Venn diagram that I had no idea intersected), definitely give this a go. Controls are intuitive, the menus are snappy, and there's customization aplenty to adjust timings to your specific needs. I especially appreciated simple mode, which turns the swipes into normal triggers, when ramping up into the harder difficulties.

It's not a perfect game, but what game is? I didn't like the Event Music Stages (EMS), because it felt like the background was way too busy/flashy/jittery to pay attention to the triggers. You can toggle off the movie sequences (which is a nice touch if you're concerned about spoilers for games you haven't played yet), but that feels like a band aid that shouldn't be necessary. The song selections for some of the titles were also uneven. Most of the mainline Final Fantasy titles have 12-18 songs, some have much less, and inexplicably Final Fantasy 14 has over 30 tracks. It's understandably an evolving MMO, but it felt like we could've seen more from other titles and less from 14 and still been fine. Some key tracks from titles were missing, and did we really need a million versions of Battle at the Big Bridge?

Still, super fun game, I'm glad for the time I put into it. It made me smile.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
