It's incredible that this game can stand toe-to-toe with the original, especially considering that a whole new team took the reins. Rapture truly feels like the sprawling underwater metropolis it was poised to be, with larger sets, brighter lighting, more fleshed out characters, and deeper lore. The soundtrack accompanies both loading screens and in-game events suitably (though nothing can quite top "Beyond the Sea" in the original). Also the gunplay has some much welcomed improvements.

The ingenious plot of the original Bioshock was arguably why the game made such a splash in '07, but unfortunately the same can't be said here. It's fairly straightforward without too many twists or meta-narrative commentaries. The inability to backtrack was also a huge disappointment, but I suppose this allowed for a more streamlined storytelling approach.

Playing the remastered version on Switch, I understand that the level of polish in this version might not shine as well as on other consoles. Still, a few bugs, glitches, even a typo or two slipped through the cracks.

Overall, it's still a strong follow-up to the original Bioshock that's absolutely worth playing.

Love the atmosphere and story tucked in every corner of Rapture. The director's commentary was also a welcome inclusion that gave a glimpse behind the curtains. The plasmid/weapon interplay was a little stale, especially since zap-and-whack was good enough for almost any situation. The final boss fight was also a little hokey.