Did you know that in Laz Rojas's WolfenDoom recreation, the average enemy is way more pathetic but bosses are WAY harder? I suffered through enough tries on Hitler's boss fight in WolfenDoom that fighting him in the real Wolf3D felt like removing the training weights. Whatever way to play it you choose though, only do one episode per sitting, or you'll really feel the repetition in the flat halls, key hunting, and count-on-one-hand enemy variety of Castle Wolfenstein. The game is just a bit too bare-bones and rudimentary for my tastes (I'm more of a Classic Doom man as my cutoff point for enjoying FPS history) but it was still a charmingly simple journey, and it's worth seeing where an unimpeachable genre began. Oh and killing Hitler. Difficult or easy, killing Hitler feels worth it.

Reviewed on May 07, 2024
