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I always thought the argument that this was a bad/lazy release was pretty short-sighted. When I got this as a kid it was one of my first exposures to the original NES 2D Mario games, and I loved looking through the booklet that came with it. Just because there's not a ton of crazy behind the scenes stuff or extra content doesn't make this a bad collection. Maybe it's just a way to introduce a younger audience to these classic games--or rather, this classic compilation.

Yeah yeah I know the NES games were available individually on the Wii Shop Channel for less, but some of you ancient Nintendo nerds who were adults at the time of the Wii forget that some people (me) didn't have access to Wifi at the time. So getting this $30 Wii game version with a small bonus crash course in Mario history was perfect for me as a kid.

Sometimes you gotta remember that a simple collection like this can be the gateway into spawning new fans. Sure, more content isn't a bad thing, but this amount is just fine too.

Happy belated 25th Anniversary Mario.