Peppy, how do you expect me to "do a barrel roll" when it controls like ASS?

I'd love this game if it weren't for the fact that I hate it. I've put about 20 hours into it since it launched in 2016 and still haven't seen it's ending. I've "gotten used to" the controls, but just getting used to something is different from liking it. They're just awful. Plus the game doesn't look that impressive visually and the level design is so-so. I have war flashbacks to the spider-mech boss on Fichina. They absolutely BUTCHERED all range mode.

It only gets 2 stars because of the original voice actors and how sometimes, RARELY, you can get into a flow state with looking up and down from the tv to the gamepad.

But my neck still hurts, and so does my heart.

Good riddance Star Fox Zero.

Reviewed on Mar 22, 2024
