I've only played 3 hours so I'm not sure whether the game ever gets better but in all the time I've been playing this game is an ceaseless exercise in frustration. Every single bit of this game is frustrating except the audio. The graphics are stylised and quite beautiful but this might be one of the most unoptimised messes I've played. This game CHUGS on my 2070 SUPER and somehow maxes out my i5 6600. My machine is no monster but is definitely not underpowered and that it lags is infuriating. The puzzles are quite cute but are exceedingly simple and barely use any brain cells to solve. The world is fairly beautiful and large but there's hardly anything anywhere. It somehow compels you into exploring every nook and cranny but there's almost nothing of note beyond the linear stuff outside of some dumb collectibles. The kid is animated pretty well but the controls are horrendous and infinitely frustrating because there's something about it that makes it just a tiny wee bit unresponsive somehow and that makes moving the kid so goddamn annoying. The camera while sometimes capturing grand vistas and some superb shots is occasionally so frustrating I felt like throwing the controller.

It's bad in a lot of ways and it's a shame because it looked promising but I can't force myself through any more.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2023
