6 reviews liked by annavoig

son dying didn't reduce food cost, not very realistic

miserable, on purpose
anti-state, as game design
discrimination, as ludonarrative
absolutely astounding

Rule of Rose é um game q já tinha jogado até certa parte tem mt tempo, busquei o nome no google e jurava ser Clock Tower 3 pq eu só lembrava da parte q a protagonista tá no q parece uma fábrica ( descobri q era um zepellin ) e q tinha uns bichos pra enfrentar.
No começo achei q a Jennifer era mt burra em descer do onibus, em entrar na mansão e durante outras ações questionaveis dela mas todo o progresso se passa dentro da cabeça dela ent isso explica mta coisa. Realmente a história é um pouco confusa, tive q procurar pra entender melhor sobre partes do passado dela e dos demais personagens na wikia.

>> Prós
• AMBIENTAÇÃO : A temática e ambientação antiga faz o game ter seu charme.
• SOUNDTRACK : A trilha sonora é um dos pontos fortes do game, a música dos inimigos tbm é mt boa.
• JOGABILIDADE : Não se tem muita dificuldade em jogar o game no geral, é tipo Silent Hill e os Resident Evil clássicos.
• CACHORRO : Basicamente é o Brown q controla o progresso já q ele quem encontra as coisas e os lugares pra ir.
• HISTÓRIA : A narrativa da história é bem legal e sinistra com seus determinados temas incomuns, cada capítulo separado com diferentes objetivos e acontecimentos do passado de Jennifer em ordem não-cronológica deixam o game bem especial. Fora q achei interessante como usaram um narrador no decorrer de todo jogo ditando cada ação das personagens como se fosse um livro.
• PERSONAGENS : Vários personagens são bem interessantes. Gregory e seu passado melancólico, a amizade/amor distorcida de Wendy e Jennifer, além do trio de princesas aristocrátas.

>> Contras
• JOGABILIDADE COMBATE : Geral ta reclamando e eu tbm vou, é fácil mas ruim q pra atacar tem q segurar um botão q faz ela mirar apenas para onde ela tá virada. Fora q o alcance as vezes acaba sendo bem limitado, além da parte irritante q os inimigos pulam no jogador e ficam agarrados.

>> Perso Favorito = Brown, Diana e Wendy.

>> Capítulos
• SIR PETER = 2.5/5
• RAG PRINCESS = 3.5/5

It's a slog to play. Most of the time you just walk from one place to another. Combat is fine when there's a single enemy who don't require 40 hits to die, it becomes horrendous when you're forced to fight more than one.
It has a unique ambiance, some great moments, and the last hour is really worth getting to. It's the ultimate example of a game having bad gameplay but awesome narrative. If it had came out some years later it would have been an even shorter game and a walking sim and I think it would have been an unforgettable experience.
It has great elements, and I'm happy to have played it, but clearly I will never touch it ever again.

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kids can be evil and cruel

-the story is A+ , the chapters are played out like a fake fairytale book that you have to finish or find the missing page
- your only real comfort is a cute dog that you can pet in the game! yayyy :)
- i felt incredibly bad for Jennifer and honestly, all the other orphan girls. they are evil little gremlins but damn the situations they were put in was only a result of that
- i was never really mad or upset at any of the kids, i just felt bad for everyone :( -- you can see why they are acting this way + treating Jennifer like a punching bag

-there are only 2 endings, both good + bad -- the good ending made me think maybe it was Jennifer getting therapy once shes grown up, and we are just playing it out in the game -- by reliving her memories for both the physical + mental abuse she endured in her childhood -- i want to believe this is why the whole game is like a jumbled mess of events that she is trying to remember // the bad ending is not really anything + the good ending is what the developers wanted to end the game as
-once again, adult men ruining everything good + being disgusting creatures ( there is implied child SA )

-the fighting mechanic pisssedd mee offfff wayyyy too much + honestly glad I payed on an emulator for the save states cuz no way I am playing this on the actual ps2 platform
-imagine your chara taking 5 full secs to get up + the enemy can hit your chara back down by the time you get up again + oh also if your health is low after a battle your chara starts limping on half the walking speed!!! you got to be joking, might as well reload your last save to save yourself time

I felt like this game had a reason behind it being made. It is beautiful in its art direction, to its decision making, and its overall genius concept of blinking being your only method of control. I was left in tears once I finished this games bitter sweet ending. I highly recommend you go into this game with an open mind, isolated of outside company. Just experience this title.