The most effective trick Double Fine plays on your mind here is that they sorta convince you that Psychonauts never left. This game feels so completely in step with the original while also refining its gameplay loop and core platforming that it feels impossible that over 15 years have passed since the original's release on the Xbox.

I am in love with the places this game manages to go with its characters and world, enriching both and cementing this series as something I just absolutely have to have more of in the coming years. I really hope it doesn't take another 15 years. The only knock I have against this game is that none of the levels quite manage to beat out The Milkman Conspiracy as my favorite Psychonauts level. Though I guess that's sort of unfair.

It's excellent. Double Fine should be very proud of themselves and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

Reviewed on Sep 09, 2021


2 years ago

I honestly really respect their restraint in not doing another Milkman Conspiracy or even really calling back to it at all

2 years ago

Yeah I definitely wouldn't have wanted any forced callbacks or anything, that level is just such a towering achievement that its shadow is still kinda felt for a good portion of this game imho. Pound for pound, Psychonauts 2 is def punching above the first game's weight tho