Log Status






Time Played

21h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 16, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This was my second attempt, but I'm giving up for good - FF II (SNES) aged (very) poorly in my opinion.
From the translation, which made what should have been an emotional story into an "oki doki" one "then", to the amount of grinding required (goodness, I hate that aspect of old RPGs...) or the fact that you really need a guide to know where to go next, otherwise you'll either be lost or miss optional-but-pretty-much-necessary items/summons during your playthrough, this was clearly not for me.
I think I gave it a fair shot at over 20+ hours (and almost reaching the third/last part of the game), but I'm calling it quits before absolutely hating the game.

I'm guessing I should have played the Pixel Remaster and/or a patched / fan-translation instead?