Somewhat surprisingly, Forrest Byrnes is the first platformer I've played on the Playdate. I was initially skeptical of this, as I'm not a big fan of the Playdate's D-pad, but I ended up rather enjoying this game. It shares a number of similarities with Shovel Knight, not only in its platforming, but even having shovel attacks, digs, and a pogo-stick move. As a forest fire rages behind you, you must traverse a level rescuing other rangers and collecting items while trying to reach the helicopter at the end. The game controls well and has some nice visuals, but is completely let down by the fact that there is just one randomly generated level. While there are a number of different platforming chunks that can appear, you'll quickly see them all. It's pretty jarring that once you complete the level, you're just dumped back at the main menu. Those items and park rangers you rescue yield a grade at the end, but since there's just one level there's zero reason to rescue them -- in fact I don't think your level scores are saved anywhere. The only item that does matter are the puzzle pieces you can find, which do unlock some comical park posters if you collect enough. These pieces are the only reason to repeatedly play the game. It's a shame, I really enjoyed this game, and if they had crafted even just 10 or so levels rather than choosing a randomly generated route, I think it would've been a more enjoyable experience. Still, it's cute and clever and falls right into the middle of the Playdate pack.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
