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Do you want combat with your farming sim? Oh- no? What about a fantastic story and complex characters? Yes? Then what are you waiting for?! Go play this game! You'll live with the combat, I swear you will, just play on easy mode, it's fine, everything's fine--

Okay, the combat is actually a lot of fun. I'm just not an rpg kind of person. But- you know what I am? A farmer! (A virtual one, anyway.) And after a certain point- you kinda want some combat to break up the monotony, y'know? It's actually... really fun! And you really feel a sense of accomplishment like you would upgrading your farm.

But this review isn't going to focus on the combat. Not even the farming. No. Where Rune Factory 4 shines- is its characters. Its story.

This is probably the best farming sim you're ever going to play. And it's because of the characters. The sheer amount of dialogue and events the developers put into this game far exceeds what you'd typically see in a farming sim. Quite literally, years would pass in the game and I always ran into some new event or a new dialogue I'd never seen before. The townspeople of RF4S feel more like actual people rather than NPCs.

I wish more farming sims put as much care and love into their characters as much as RF4S has. This game has spoiled me rotten and I can't help but feel disappointed a little when I'm playing a farming sim that isn't this one.

It's well loved for a reason. If you've never played a Rune Factory game before- this is the one to start with. The best of the best the franchise has offered.