Man, you really feel powerful in this game as you're belting out your verses. I swear, everytime Grace's eyes glow bright and the walls close in I can feel that adrenaline of mine pumping as I'm ready to perform the lit-est diss track to ever come out of a white girl's mouth.

Alright, that doesn't mean that this game is perfect though. Lets go through the flaws before we tackle the pros.

The songs aren't that good. Okay- they're fine? They're like- doable? But- really- sometimes you can make for some awkward rhythm as you're picking your choices. And- I get it. The choose your own adventure format- especially as a song- it's tough to write and sing for. Songwriting is just hard, man. This was a difficult game to make, I can tell.

(Still could've been better though.)

Honestly though- that's my only complaint. Everything else is just great. Yeah- the gameplay isn't anything remarkable. But the point is the choose your adventure. I don't expect Grace to whip around town in a motorcycle and have a grand theft auto style car chase. (Though that would be very sexy of her, we can all admit.)

The mystery is satisfying enough in my opinion and, to be honest, it's almost less about the mystery and more about helping this dysfunctional family through the power of song! (...And therapy.)

I love these characters. Each and every one. And I think I love Grace the most. You just really root for her- and want to see her succeed. And that makes a great protagonist to play aside.

Also- this game has, like, so much replay value. It's awesome. Give it a try, it's a fun- and occasionally really funny- time.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023
