One of the best games I've ever played. Considering I'm not a fan of the RPG format- it's amazing how much this game made me enjoy its mechanics. No encounter feels overdone or annoying to complete- even when I encountered the same monster twice. And the flavor text accompanied as you're "fighting" made the act of fighting to be actually fun. I've never played a bullet hell before- and now that I have- I almost wish most RPGs took that format of gameplay.

Moving away from mechanics and focusing on story- the story is really the heart of the game. It's unique- in both world building and actual story beats. Plot twists feel actually thought out. Though the "meta" trope is a bit overdone in our year 2023- it didn't feel overdone at the time of playing this back when it first released. I reckon it probably wouldn't feel overdone even by today's standards. Perhaps only because it's just plain done really well.

The characters are endearing. Yes- even the annoying ones. And the humor doesn't overstay it's welcome. When this game is serious- it's serious. The story is also easy to understand- despite it's outlandish concept. When it comes to the story- the best way to play this game is the most obvious. Don't kill anyone. If you accomplish that- you'll get the true ending- which is the most satisfying ending.

I can't recommend this enough.

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2023
