This game is popular for a reason, however in my experience despite having played the game for years now, I have noticed the missed potential of this game more and more as time has gone on. The fact that it took an eternity for players to be able to battle and trade was absurd, and now the fact that there are such strict limitations on those functions make it a chore to play.

The battle mechanics are utterly mindless because it boils down to tapping your phone screen as fast as you can so you can pull off your special attack before your opponent, and trying to catch a legendary Pokemon following a raid battle is such a pain. Even with the best possible odds (golden razz, curved excellent throw) it still feels extremely difficult to end up catching one. Maybe it's just me, but in my experience I've missed out on numerous legendary Pokemon due to the RNG screwing me over despite doing everything in my power to give myself the best possible odds. I understand that there is an element of luck involved in all Pokemon games, but it truly feels like it's heavily weighted against the player because unlike mainline games where you can prepare with 99 ultra balls, raid battles only allow you a limited amount of pokeballs.

It really is a shame because Pokemon Go has the potential to be so much greater than it is.