I love that the bosses in this all feel like a unique challenge rather than a guy with different roll timings on his moveset. Has an ephemeral atmosphere all its own and the most original soundtrack in any souls game. The game was insanely punishing for players when it first came out but going back to it after playing other souls games, its on the easier end of the spectrum. From developed this game not expecting it to be a commercial success, and as such they were willing to try new things which is the game's biggest strength. I loved the multiplayer and having my asshole caved in by some guy with the scraping spear. My personal favorite fromsoft game.

One night my power went out after beating the game and when i went to load up NG+ my character was just a bald floating head that couldn't attack or take damage, which I think they should've kept for dark souls

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2023
