I knew I was getting into a hard game when the first run & gun took me more than 30 tries. I was discouraged, but I just kept playing and now I consider myself pretty good at the game. I think I have just under 1000 deaths after just having completed the game. You can’t beat the art in Cuphead. So beautiful but at the same time sinister. It’s a cartoony world where everything wants to kill you. The game mechanics are pretty great too, although a lot of the upgrades are meh at best. I didn’t end up using half of them, but they all do have a purpose and suit a different play style. (Charge in particular, I have no idea how or why anyone would use that one.) The one complaint I have is that the overworld feels kind of lifeless. But with combat this nice, I don’t really care. Movement is so perfect and precise; parrying is incredibly satisfying. Honorable mention for the sound design and the soundtrack, which were flawless. (Notice in the credits that they hired a tap dancer). I would listen to the soundtrack by itself, but it was also integrated so seamlessly into the pause menus for an extra level of polish. The boss design was so rich and original. Djimmi was the most memorable boss for me in a game full of memorable bosses.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2022
