it makes me really sad to say this considering the hotline miami series' legacy and its impact on games, but... this game is bad. really bad

the story, what little there is of it, is fun! its nice and engaging, and the music work is top notch as always. so why did i give this game half a star?

because the game itself is terrible. it is THE worst video game experience i have ever had in my life, and im not exaggerating. to sum things up, enemies lack reaction time, you can be shot off screen, taking damage can sometimes instakill you but sometimes doesnt with no consistent patterns, and overall the game is a horrible mess.

the custom levels in this game can only carry it so far, sadly, so yeah. i dont have much more to say, please dont play this game, save yourself the pain and money

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2022


1 year ago


1 year ago

git gud