This game is at its best when it's doing something other than the drawing on gamepad thingy. That as a control scheme can be a bit frustrating. Amazing art style though.

Cool vibes and gameplay but some of the most frustrating missions ever

its like mario 3d world but its definitely more of a land and its on a little screen

I like this game but i think i soft locked myself bc i spent too much time drinking tea :(

This is hands down the greatest fishing game of all time. The way using the wii mote feels is so intuitive and really does feel like you have control over things like casting and reeling. There's also a huge variety of cool fish.

I love going really fast on windy small dirt paths

took a good pic of quagsire

I like to swing on stuff and ride skateboards

Epic music and vibe i love being a singing blob

its fun to be mean to the little droids

Better than the modern one