leave it to fans to make a game better than half the series. if you know nothing about this game, good, it's got plenty of twists that i wish i had seen unspoiled. it's worth playing/watching, and has production quality at times that rivals the main series (mostly in the executions). if nothing else, it's rare to see a fangame that has such a high level of quality while not asking for any money (especially if you compare it to the previous installment's quality).

even though this is a sequel to a previous fan game, you can jump right into this one without any prior knowledge and you'll be fine. honestly, there's a lot of really interesting concepts and high level of execution that, at the bare minimum, warrants some morbid curiosity. if you're bored, a fan of the series, haven't heard of this yet, and have some time to kill, definitely give this a shot.

pastebin of all the relevant links to play/watch this game: https://pastebin.com/Rc01B9uq

Reviewed on May 06, 2021
