And they said the story of The Last of Us Part II was depressing...

I genuinely enjoyed this game but fuck this ending.

First of all, I'm really glad we're finally getting Star Wars games again that are this good. When I first got into gaming it was so amazing playing Jedi Knight 2 and 3 and the original Battlefronts and this is so damn close.

With Fallen Order and Survivor I have a kinda special relationship. Rarely I enjoy a game this much, but are also frustrated by so many aspects of it.

The story is amazing, kind of a slow burn but picks up near the end and the art direction is great.

Next time please less Dark Souls and more God of War and Uncharted. Get rid of the whole checkpoint-and-enemy-respawn and let the game world feel more realistically populated with enemies and NPCs. The Souls inspired elements feel too contrived, don't really fit the Star Wars universe and the gameplay is just not precise enough to support it. Add actual side quests with their own narratives to enrich world building and exploration.

And also please try to deliver the next game in a more polished state. On PS5 both graphic modes are far from perfect, even a year after initial release, with very uneven performance and lots of distracting artefacts like delayed texture loading, camera studders as well as countless glitches. Nothing game breaking really but not worthy of a AAA title of a billion dollar game company with a Star Wars license.