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I don't know where to start with this one.
I loved the game, but deary me is it padded.
For every good bit of content there is some deathly dull padding unskippable nonesense. If I wasn't convinced I needed the platinum I'd probably have enjoyed this more, though with that said I found the most enjoyment in completing the hard mode and the combat challenges, which really show the depth (and exploitability) of some of the combat mechanics.
Story wise, I'm a little underwhelmed for reasons: Aerith's death is totally underwhelming given the multiple timeline story they have going but for the most part, it hit all the nostalgia beats I needed and made me actually like Cait Sith.
Perhaps I also got a little soured because I played it off the back of replaying the original, the Remake and Intergrade which was a lot of FF7 for a couple of months.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
