11 reviews liked by azuhane

If you didn’t play this in school you didn’t go to school

friendships broken but that might have been just a skill issue

i was a furry back in my day

come back to me queen. you are all i wanted, all i adored in this pathetic and sickening, saddening world full of hatred but. you taught me love, empathy and joy in spite of the darkness.

a core memory in black space

every day i wish for your return, you were my everything.

This game makes me so sad. I'm gonna paste here what I wrote in a tumblr post from a few months ago.

"i recently replayed penpals and aaghhh it makes me so sad that its an abandoned project... like no shame no hate on the creator, thats not how i feel nor is that what im trying to say, i just wish there was... more. the vibes were immaculate and i wouldve loved to see the horror themes expanded on, almost like it were a pastel-grunge space funeral.

the hidden chase scene in the apartment building comes to mind. as well as the ending, i wish that was explained/elaborated on. idk. i guess im just going to dream about it for the rest of my life"

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the words "good girl, sweet girl, you're mine" will forever haunt my dreams