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A very solid action platformer by CAProduction. Great movement, smart enemy placement and really good boss fights. The game rewards memorization and solid strategies for each section, and the more you have memorized, the faster you'll get through the game -- a thrilling combination.

My only criticisms are that bombs and health pickups, as well as 1-ups, are RNG drops from enemies, who all drop an item upon death. I feel this makes the game much easier than it should, and all those should instead be carefully placed items in certain stages. It didn't take me long to get a No-Death clear, around 8 - 12 hours, if I had to estimate. However, that was due to the hardest two stages in the game, which killed several runs, 1-4 and the Final Boss, which is a chase sequence involving good knowledge of the platforming tools you have. This would have been a far faster clear without those two run killers.

There's a large variety of interesting tools you can use for various situations, and I never felt any tool was just for show. I ignored the more overpowered super attacks and backflips, but you can easily find many different ways to approach stages and bosses.

Worth a play. It's no Shinobi, but it's still a great action platformer that's well worth your time.