Log Status






Time Played

10h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 17, 2022

First played

December 5, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


This game you could really tell at release was a far cry from being anything resembling a "finished" product. It's multi-player was segregated into limited playlists missing fan-favorite modes, no forge, no co-op (a series staple) and a campaign rampant with bugs, crashes and glitches.

Recent patches have brought the game more in line with what fans expected in the first place, or so I was told, so I decided to play through the game's campaign and while I thought it was solid, it was sorely missing the co-op and it was very obvious. The open world you traverse to get to missions is clearly designed in mind for multiple people to be playing through it. Co-op testing is going on now, but I worry it could be "too little, too late" as many will have already beaten the game by the time co-op finally arrives.

As far as the multi-player, there are definitely improvements since launch, but it's definitely still not quite "there". Fan-favorite modes like Griffball, Zombies and more are no where to be seen but do seem tucked away in the game files.

As it stands, it's definitely worth a playthrough on Gamepass but the F2P multi-player, with those that owned/played through the campaign getting almost nothing in the way of cosmetics, it feels very barebones with limited playlists and not many ways to customize your spartan if you're not willing to pay for yet another season pass.