just play it.

also it has some of the earliest lgbtq rep in games (if you count the original from 2010)

This game is more than what most people would consider a game, its a playable piece of artwork, and that's not to say that games aren't art but little nightmares is an oil painting come to life its horrifying and brilliant and i think it deserves to be in a museum, with terrifying monsters and creatures to spot on sound designee and music to a fascinating world it proves to be one of the best games of all time...boy i hope they don't make a shitty sequel


its one of the best 'shock' games I've ever played but im giving it 4.5 as Bethesda forced arkane to call it 'prey' confusing people and making it think it was a sequel to prey 2006. it should have kept its original name, psychoshock

one of the best card games youll ever play

One of the best vr games ever made i hope they make a sequel thats the best vr game of all time

honestly one of the most inventive games to play with friends

honestly one of the worst portal mods ive ever had to play, i wish i can see what people do but i cant its just nothing with bad puzzles

i love this :D its such a cute idea to do with domo! i have a bunch of the cards!