4 reviews liked by be_an_rm

Went into this game having my first taste of anything Sherlock Holmes related with very high expectations. The characterization of Sherlock being younger (but edgy, somewhat arrogant and giving me 14 year old athiest vibes) was refreshing, but I couldn't say the same for Jon. Dr. Watson not being around in the game was something...but Jon being imaginary? It almost sadly makes sense because Jon is useless; all he does is tease and belittle Sherlock. This is also the first game I've played where the open world concept didn't do anything for me and I actually grew to resent it. There's really nothing you can do with it and NPCs give you the same boring 5 lines when you interact with them so they're impossible to get clues out of or really interact with at all. The story did not hold my interest whatsoever nor did I understand it much, and I had no drive to do side cases/missions. I can appreciate a game that doesn't hold your hand, but this was so dull to me that I was reading through an online walkthrough almost the entire time which killed the game experience for me altogether. At that point, I gave up and it felt like a chore opening this game and trying to force myself to play through it for the sake of completing a game. I really don't see myself every picking up this game again.



Didn't play official ps4 version, played Unreal, still was mega epic.

This was a somewhat short, but very much enjoyable experience. I did know some things about the game through videos, but most of it was new to me. Its a nice walking simualator with a great humour and a cool narrator. While I reached most enings by myself, I had to look up three of them, since they were a bit ridiculous to get. Fun game.