3 reviews liked by bearyosa

chris from gamestop recommended this to me in 2007 or 2008 when i was but a wee lad. something about it altered my brain chemistry and i'm different now. i wish i lived in this game. every pokemon day i beg for a remake or a remaster of this game and every year i'm disappointed, but maybe 2024 will be my year

This is like a Majora's Mask to Pokemon Colosseum. A few quality changes and a lot of familiar faces from the previous game. Can't time travel though, would be sick if possible.
Fun game, play this and also play Majora's Mask

An intriguing strategy/puzzle game with a pretty interesting meta-narrative. I don't typically play games like this, but it took me by surprise with how engrossing it was.

This is worth playing with an open mind, even if you're not used to card games or rogue-likes.