2 Reviews liked by beesayshello

"We all come to a story with hopes and expectations, looking for an answer. Sometimes it would be better to live with that hope, without ever finding the story. This is not the story you want it to be."

I would have waited another thirteen years for this.

Other reviewers have said this but I'll reiterate: Alan Wake II feels like the culmination of everything Remedy has made thus far and the true realization of their skill and potential.

I've always found them to be a really interesting developer, but Alan Wake II proves that they're a high-caliber player worth paying close attention to. Reviews are also quick to point out that this is very Twin Peaks inspired and as a massive Twin Peaks fan, the inspiration has been understated. The amount of parallels I was able to draw between the two is pretty staggering; but I don't find this a fault. Twin Peaks: The Return is the most ambitious, artistic, surreal piece of television ever made. Alan Wake II borrows from it in a lot of the right ways, but it doesn't feel like a Lynchian rip-off. There's also some sprinkles of Kojima in here, too. But ultimately, I must put some respect on Sam Lake's name. He's carrying the torch here tremendously.

It's not the story beats in the narrative, its the way its told. I won't go into details, but this game has a wonderful flourish about it. I've always admired Remedy's admiration for mixing live-action footage in with in-game cinematics and gameplay and since Quantum Break especially, they've doubled down on that and they're better for it. This game has great atmosphere, and several jump-scare moments that are more fun than pretty much any other ones I can think of.

The only reason this doesn't get 5 stars from me is the puzzle solving in the gameplay. I'm not saying it's bad or terribly complicated, only that it slowed me down a bit and got just a little monotonous after a little while. I mostly felt it during the sections where I played as Alan Wake. The light mechanic is really cool but made me feel really dumb sometimes. I'll spend ten minutes going where the fuck do I go??? only to feel stupid once I figure it out. Probably more of a me thing than anything. I've heard lots of complaints about movement speed, and it seems pretty on-par with modern Resident Evil to me. I suppose there was a little more time devoted to walking around maps than there could've been. There is a fast travel method via your car but sometimes being across the entire map from it and having to trek your way back to it wasn't fun.

All that being said, Alan Wake II is must play if you like survival horror.

Platinum Trophy #136
Platinum #12 of 2023