Warhammer’s Doom ripoff takes the worst of both franchises and combines them together. Just a bland and boring game with a retro gimmick. Shelved near the end, just not worth my time or attention.

Big fan of the show even though I am not its demographic, lol. Played the game for ez gamerscore and was met with a game that, while not as clever or cheery as the show, was still a passable kid’s game. There are several bugs, but overall it’s a short and sweet collectathon.

About 8 hours in and and level 7 as of 2/25. Came into the game late and totally blind. Menus and UI are a bit confusing and there are many bugs (both alien and game wise, lol). I’ve been blown under the map on three different occasions now, my rag doll body floating into space.

Missions are way too repetitive for how much of a grind the pass is, but I understand they’d want to keep players around for the item shop and battlepass 🤑🤑

The irony is not lost on me of a game with this type of satire having an item shop - and the game even leans into it with fake reviews, which I enjoy in a warped kinda way lol.

I paid for it, but having Stratagem Hero being locked behind $20 is dumb. Also if someone has Stratgem Hero and is on another ship, it should activate on that ship. As long as someone in the party has it it should be playable IMO. No reason I should be stuck on my own ship to play it whenever I join someone else’s game. Super niche gripe - but an oversight IMO.

Super simple, but a fun and short ride for those into the genre.


Simple gameplay, but oh so real narrative. I’m not an immigrant or part of a family who is, but the story of growing up and growing apart from your family is so very real. From the arrogance of being a teen, to being an adult and longing for a single moment with a loved one you may have taken for granted. The only game that’s ever moved me to tears - maybe because I was stoned, but it really connected to me and how I’ve been experiencing growing up around my family.

Great stuff, and a short game but very worth your time. Absolutely lovely.

Didn’t enjoy this as much as Bloodwash, but still a good time. Felt more hands on than Bloodwash as well.

Short, sweet, wish it had deeper gameplay but for a retro styled horror game it’s understandable why it doesn’t. Super dope vibes, some solid jump scares where I wasn’t expecting them, and a fun experience.

Glad Xbox gave it a free weekend as it’s a very short game for its asking price (beat the main story in about 15 hours and that was taking my time).

It’s always fun being able to explore creative renditions of places I’m familiar with, and that’s on full display here. Environments are fun, and very LA - even if they may not be accurate to their real life counterparts like other games.

Combat is interesting for the first few hours, then it’s a chore.

RPG elements are laughable and low effort for a game calling itself an action rpg.

Most likely gonna be my GOTY contender, I can already tell.

Improvement over Y7 in every way, aside from the story. Characters are great as ever and the new combat mechanics made the fights super engaging and scrappy feeling.

The end game DLC dungeon was a bit disappointing, especially being locked behind a paywall.

All in all, very worth your time tho!

A step above the main quests of CP2077’s base game, but still doesn’t feel quite right. Performance is also abysmal in some parts, giving me flashbacks to their 2020 launch. Really fun missions tho, and a good spin on the formula established by the main game.

Played this off and on over the last few years but finally finished a playthrough… I know there’s multiple endings but I’m lowkey salty about the ending I got after busting my ass on side missions for hours and hours.

I remember quite liking this as a kid, but it has not aged gracefully at all. Character is slow and clunky, controls are abysmal, and the graphics were definitely better in my memories. Really didn’t hold up and I am v disappointed :(

Nostalgic game that reminds me of when I first started getting into more indie releases. Controls are pretty janky on console, but everything else is great. This is something I’ll come back to, and have been for over a decade now!

I want Ada to beat me over the head with a sledgehammer so badly.

2nd playthru, 1st separate ways playthru, and 1st Xbox playthru

Second play through on BG3, first on Xbox and my first Durge run.

Honestly, truly one of the best games I’ve played in my life. Looking forward to a third full play through somewhere down the line.