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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 5, 2022

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I think its pretty safe to say that this is the best Terminator game, and that's simultaneously a disheartening and hopeful sentiment. This isn't a fantastic FPS by any stretch, but its fun enough and gets the job done. The gameplay is satisfying enough with guns that feel nice and enough enemy variety and scaling to make things interesting. Its greatest achievement is by far its atmosphere. Accompanied by a musical score that captures Brad Fiedel's style so well, this game really captures the "vibe" of the future flashbacks of the first two Terminator films perfectly. The final battle where you push the resistance forces towards Skynet with the main theme playing was nothing short of magical and uplifting. The game is not without its drawbacks, however. The story is serviceable at best but the characters are quite bland and unfortunately quite robotic in their mannerisms and voice, even for a videogame. The voice acting is good at best, but the real issue was the mixing. Seemingly at random, the volume of the voices would decrease sharply to little more than a whisper and I could barely hear the characters. There are also two sex scenes that are incredibly cringey. So, with a serviceable story and bland characters, really all the game has to go on is its ok gameplay and its atmosphere. When that atmosphere shines, though, it really shines. With a little more development, this game could have gone from a good game to a fantastic one, even. Despite this, if you are a Terminator fan, you owe it to yourself to give this game a shot.