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1 day

Last played

April 19, 2022

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Its a groundwork-laying classic. Killing Nazis is always fun, especially with the Death Cam. Id had not yet hit their stride with their level design until DOOM imo, but there is still some great fun to be had in these labyrinthine levels. The aesthetic of the levels fits their respective settings, although I find the areas much more bland than the inventive art direction of the levels of the DOOM games, even in the DOS era. My main complaint comes with the level design of the three prequel episodes (4-6), which take the labyrinth ethos to the extreme, even having some levels hide REQUIRED keys behind the previously optional secrets. Other than that, this is definitely a must play for any FPS fan, especially if you are an old-school FPS fan. I'm grateful for its legacy, not only with regards to the multiple series that would iterate on its design, but also to the groundwork it would lay for its own series, which would go on to produce some of my favorite games of the genre.

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