I always thought it was a pretty smart idea filling all the empty traversal space with water, makes the game feel a lot larger than it most likely is, and really drives home a sense of adventure when you are out at sea, at least to me. It is easily my favorite Zelda game, even if some of the other titles come very close. I prefer this version as I don't really agree with the nerf to the triforce charts, as to me, this was a pretty evident indication that one should go out and explore the rest of the game and I never really had a lot of trouble making enough rupees to fund this section of the game. The Pictobox is also one of my most favorite features in the game and I had a lot of fun completing the models. If there is one thing I would change about this game, it's likely the duration it takes to convert photos into models as I think that introduced a lot of arbitrary waiting time/having to play the same song twice every time that could have otherwise been avoided.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2022
