I just finished my first play through (as TAV) and this game is probably one of the best games, I ever played as someone who isn't into dnd (The game made more invested in dnd lore too lol) and don't play much turn based games (I'm open to it though).

Every character felt so fleshed out throughout the video game, decisions ACTUALLY matter, the world is so explorable, i had to check out crook and cranny and talk to random npc's unlocking quests that felt valuable. Despite finding dribbles the clown's side quest tedious, my overall opinion of the game remained unchanged due to the companions' quests outweighing the most missions for me. Even despite finishing this game only once so far, i still missed so much, and by the looks of it, this game definitely has insane re-playability through origin stories, decisions and classes.

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2024
