4 reviews liked by biobthe1

I have a huge crush on Kunio-kun. I'm gonna ask him out soon and I hope he says yes. I can't wait to hold hands in study hall and snuggle in the theater during a scary movie.

Not all that into his friend Riki though.

Tokyo Rumble is the first game I consider to be a real sequel to the classic River City Ransom. You take the role of the legend character Kunio, father of the beat'em ups, as he is seeking revenge after some hooligans beat up his friend Hiroshi (classic). The mechanics are similar to the 1992 game with a lot of additions to the combat. I know that this is probably not what you were expecting next but I think Tokyo Rumble has an excellent writting and the localization team did an amazing job at it. Because exploration is locked behind story progression, one of the best new features are the jobs you can pick up. They serve as side quest where you can get money and unlock new characters to the Rumble/Dodgeball modes. But they also serve as a good excuse to re-explore the areas and grind, as youre gonna need to if you want to stand a chance to the new areas that you're unlocking. To summarize my views I think Tokyo Rumble is a great way to start in the Kunio-kun series, the combat is better than ever, the artstyle captures the essence of the classic NES game but with a modern look, there's a lot of returning characters in this game and it just feels like a love letter to the franchise, with a really good story that doesnt take itself too serious but in the end you'll end up wanting more of Kunio and his friends.

How am I the only one reviewing such a monument of gaming.

3 lists liked by biobthe1