I gave it a 3 because it is mediocre but there's some weird OTG stuff and broken combos here and there that are a lot of fun to exploit. There are far more moves than you would need to use and some have some weird interactions that don't feel super well-thought out. If you're an experimenter who likes jank, this game is more like a 4-star game for being a curious look into what half-baked systems can result in.
Also honestly really great if you're a fan of the first Jojo's arc, it shows it all.


Perfect game. Wonderful exploration, atmosphere and weapons. Only part that sucks are the fucking slimes which I'm convinced do not work as intended. I love Quake.

Crazy that this was their first go at a Wario game. It does a lot of the formula really well right from the get go (as long as you are looking for the hidden treasure throughout the game). The levels don't move by too quickly and the general pacing and amount of action on-screen is very well contained within the gameboy's limited real estate. Some of the bosses are a little rough around the edges but overall a really fun game to wander around in and search for treasure.

Ultimately gamefreak has proven they cannot do games at this scale. It's uninspired and aimless right until the last hour of gameplay, which the entire game should've leaned into progressively in the story and focused on in entirety rather than the generic, low-stakes school storylines.

They were as close to the original as they could reasonably be with this release. Crunched screen, but they let you backtrack a bit in the stages as a tradeoff. They let you accelerate much faster in order to allow the player to make decisions on such a small screen.

Includes SMB Lost Levels as well if you get 300k score at least and beat the main game. Includes mid-game saving (erases your high score on continue) and ultimately is a significantly more casual experience, a good pick up and play choice considering how easy it is to beat a level or two in one brief sitting.

Challenge mode lets you play score attack on each stage individually to reach listed target scores, with hidden red coins and a yoshi egg as additional goals and adds a lot of replay value for SMB super fans, wish they had those in the original title. Honestly its an improvement in every way other than the fact that they had to crunch it on the tiny screen.

I really enjoyed it.