Don't underestimate this lil dice game. It is one of the smartest and most addictive deckbuilder roguelike out there.

You get 5 heroes and level them up or gain new items in between fights. Both will alter the faces on the hero's die. Plan them well to survive the different mechanics that the game throws at you (clean the poison, defend direct attacks, have range attacks for enemies in the backrow,...). The luck is mitigated by having several reroll and locking die each turn and there's a real tactical aspect to it. Heck on my 3rd playthrough from scratch for the release of v3 I stomped through most of the content on the first try, knowing the game well really makes a difference.

Akin to Terraria it's gone through massive free content updates. At v3 now, there are 128 hero classes, I dont know how many monsters and hundreds of items.
This isn't filler stuff too. It's a blast and each achievement you'll get unlocks more content.
I have pretty much 100% the game at every version on release and never get tired of it.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2024
