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1 day

Last played

January 20, 2024

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I wish I was cool and had this as my favourite Kirby game but unfortunately i just think it's pretty fun. On the other hand that's not bad either!!
Some great ideas are presented here which I like a lot (Big sprawling map with connecting points!! Focus on exploring!! Beautiful areas!!), but the way you traverse the map is just a bit too clunky for me to feel that pure Joy of Exploring (TM). And with "clunky" i don't mean the movement physics, which are great by the way, but stuff like one-way doors and how easy it is to lose an ability you need to open a new path somewhere, which sometimes means you have to redo several rooms again just to get back to that point. It can make exploring frustrating rather than satisfyingly challenging (imo of course) which I really think is a drawback in a game that's all about exploring a big map. The first few hours was me just running through the same areas over and over, absolutely confused, haha! But that might tell you more about my lack of skills rather than the game itself.

Anyway it feels like I've only complained but I really did like this a lot, especially in the latter half of the game when I really got the hang of things!! I'd still recommend this game, especially for Kirby fans. It's a very cool experience! Also Cupid Kirby is the second best Kirby skill design in the entire franchise (number one is Fridge Kirby from 64). Also this game gave us the Dark Meta Knight boss theme so I am forever in its debt (even though he's a pushover so you only hear it for 7 seconds. It's okay DMK I'll still be your friend).