Very cool game. The gameplay and the visuals are both very unique. Overall just a very intriguing atmosphere.

Somehow this game managed to put a completely new spin on the metroidvania genre. Instead of giving movement abilities that unlock progression, it only gives you tools that you can use to interact with your environment in very creative ways. Maybe there's been another game that does this, but I've played several metroidvanias and haven't seen anything like it. When I saw that the first major tool you unlock is a slinky, I knew I was in for a cool experience. Every time I thought I was about to get bored of it, the game introduced a new mechanic and/or I discovered a new mechanic with a tool I already had which always kept me interested. The game gives you tools that you can use to interact with your environment, but the way you use those tools is very open. There were several times where I was questioning whether or not the way I solved a puzzle was the intended way or not. On the topic of puzzles, they're really good. They hit that sweet spot of not too difficult where you'll be stuck on them for a while, but clever enough where it feels satisfying to figure them out. It's fairly short if you just focus on beating it (which I did for the most part) but I've heard and seen for myself that there's a lot of secrets to discover and maybe some post-game content (?).

Reviewed on May 11, 2024
