A pretty damn fun game, all in all. I've done one playthrough on Standard, as well as dipping my toes in Mercenaries, and I've had an absolute blast. The camp of the original is somewhat dampened, but I think that's a blessing in disguise. The camp and energy of the original is one of my favorites, and I'd rather they not try and re-capture that and go for something different. Rather than the world itself being excessively goofy, that's pretty much all Leon now, and I do like that; it helps the world feel more threatening and possess more levity, and also regains the humor of the 2005 classic in at least some ways. And even if the story sucks (which I don't think it does), it doesn't change the fact that the combat in this is just so much fun. Hitting a villager or a zealot with a roundhouse or a suplex always tickles that funny part of my brain. It's so joyous and confident and it just feels so damn smooth to play and move around. Also, holy shit, this game is so fucking gay, Luis and Krauser want Leon so fucking bad and it's the funniest shit ever. The dialogue in the Krauser fight had me rolling, like this cannot be unintentional at this point, right? Anyways, yeah, this game is so cool, I'm definitely gonna do a few more playthroughs and fuck around in Mercenaries.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2023
