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My wife and I have played all of the LiS games together over the last few years, and to say the series is hit-or-miss would be wildly inaccurate.

It's more like one hit, one weirdo thing that occasionally hits, and then two complete misses.

Unlike the two mainline LiS games, True Colors is another effort from Deck Nine, the same studio that gave us the abysmal Before the Storm. So I wasn't really holding my breath on this one.

Thank goodness I didn't, either, because this wasn't good!

True Colors suffers from a fundamental misunderstanding of what people liked about the other two games: meaningful choices and unique superpower mechanics. Rather than give in-game choices any impact, they do almost nothing to affect the main plot of the game. And Alex Chen's "empathy" superpower is intensely lame. She basically just reads minds, but only sometimes, and the mechanic to use it is barely there. It hardly does anything to impact the story either!

I can't knock everything about the game: the characters are solid, some of the "mind palace" stuff is pretty neat, and I even got a little invested in the main plotline and romance stuff. But in the end, it's insanely frustrating to put time into a choice based game where none of your choices matter. I wouldn't play this again.

Oh, and the Deluxe Edition comes with a DLC, Wavelengths, that lets you play as a different character from True Colors and learn her backstory. This, while occasionally fun and inventive, has the same issues as the base game.