A very fun game with one of the best worlds in any game I've ever played. There are other open world games that I like better but what this game has over those is the exploration, the ability to climb and the glider make exploring a blast, some of my favourite memories with this game are just exploring and going off where ever I felt like completely disregarding the main story. The world is huge but sometimes it can feel empty, there are several large open areas with barely anything to do in them but they're not boring despite that especially because of the fact that the game is really pretty, even the Wii U version is gorgeous, it's one of the best looking games on the console and it honestly looks better than a lot of new Switch games (looking at you Pokemon...). The weapon durability was insufferable, when you get good weapons you don't want them to break and there's no exp system in this game so it's often better to save the good weapons for the bosses and not even bother with the ordinary enemies and a game not incentivizing you to fight the enemies is not a good thing. The weather concept sounds cool on paper, when it's raining it's realistic and the rocks become too slippery to climb but it's just annoying. One thing that pretty much every other open world game I've ever played does much better are the side quests, most of the side quests in this game are just uninteresting fetch quests, that's not to say there are no good ones but most of the ones I saw didn't interest me at all unlike other games. Overall, although it has some problems they don't bring down the overall experience very much the game is still phenomenal. 9/10

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
