Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Telling Lies concept is simple. You are a detective and you are watching clips of videos to piece together the puzzle before the night runs out. The story and twists are engaging enough but the mechanics of typing in key words and watching a couple minutes of video can get tiring very quick.

This one requires a lot of note taking to help you string together the conspiracy and relationships. I personally got frustrated and bored but I appreciate what it attempted to do.

Gets a boost in score because you can play solitaire on the laptop.

Difficulty: 1/10
Time: 3 Hours
Trophy Guide: Recommended
Trophy List Score: 6/10

Using a guide while absolutely ruin this game for you but it is the fastest way to obtain the Platinum. With that in mind I would recommend you first beat the game yourself and then do a second playthrough to get the Platinum. It should take you about 3 hours from beginning to end to do.

Start off by getting some of the misc. trophies like using the password "password" to connect to another network, playing solitaire, deleting a file, etc.

After that, you need to make sure you watch EVERY video and the list of keywords to look up should be easily available online. That's it!

Happy Trophy Hunting!

Reviewed on Jun 01, 2022
