This start of a reboot/prequel trilogy is fun but really flawed in many ways.

The moment to moment gameplay is fluid and fun but there is little to no incentive to go out of your way as there is little exploration to do and being rewarded with a pitiful of upgrade currency is not really apealling.
The combat while good enough to hold during the 10-ish hours campaign could had more variety as you only fight human enemies and your bow is so much more powerful than any other weapon that you can go the whole game only switching to them when a puzzle requires you to.

Where the game really drops the ball is in the story and secondary cast. They are barely present, shallow and change their minds about critical topics for no reason if it's what it's needed to move the story forward fast as possible. Even Lara at a point suddenly stops being whinny and scared to suddenly become a fierceful leader without really earning that change.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024
